Man held for killing two wives

BAHAWALPUR: Bhong police have arrested a man who, they say, has admitted to have killed his two wives in an axe attack. Mohammad Safdar has told the police that he killed his two wives following a quarrel with Jano Mai, his second wife, over her loose morals. On Friday night, he said, he attacked her with an axe after a quarrel over her alleged affair with a man in the neighbourhood. He said Zarina Bibi, his first wife, was killed when he came in his way in an attempt to save Jano Mai.

He said he then attacked and killed Jano Mai as well. Bhong station house officer Sahanshah Ahmed said Safdar had fled the village after the incident on Friday night and was arrested from another village on Saturday. He said the bodies had been sent to the tehsil headquarters (THQ) hospital for a post-mortem examination. In another incident, a woman was killed allegedly by her husband in Ahmedpur East. The FIR registered on the complaint of Muhammad Abbas, father of deceased Rukhsana Bibi, accused her husband Gulzar Shah and his two brothers Mohsin Ahmed and Zulfiqar Ahmed. Talking to The Express Tribune Investigation Officer Chaudhry Mohammad Iqbal said that they had arrested one of the suspects, Zulfiqar Ahmed.

The Express Tribune

2,331 cases of violence against children in 6 months

KARACHI: The rights of children are being taken as granted in Pakistani society with the incidents of violence, abuse and torture against them on rise. In the first six months of the current year, as many as 2,331 cases of violence against children were reported from different parts of the country, said a report of Madadgaar National Helpline issued here recently.

Children are considered amongst the most vulnerable sections of society and protecting them against violence and abuse is considered to be the prime responsibility in civilised societies. However, the situation is quite different in our country.

Madadgaar National Helpline is working to eliminate the violence against women and children with support of Plan International-Pakistan. Madadgaar National Helpline’s database documented 2,331 incidents of violence against children from January to June 2012. These cases include all type of corporal punishment, harmful traditional practices such as forced marriages, rape, sodomy, honour killing, torture and other cruel, inhuman and shameful acts.

According to Madadgaar database, in these six months 367 children were murdered, 164 raped, 117 sodomised, and 211 became the victim of torture. As many as 273 children were trafficked, 122 went missing, 136 committed suicide, 91fell prey to karo-kari (honour killing) and 107 to vani. As many as 226 children were married forcibly. Moreover, 329 kidnapping cases were also reported. This statistics paint a dismal picture of basic children rights in Pakistan.

Out of these 2,331 cases of violence against children, 203 cases were reported from Balochistan, 382 from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP), and 687 from Sindh. Punjab remained foremost with 1,059 cases of violence and abuse of children.

The authorities in Pakistan seem frequently unwilling or unable to protect children from abuses, and bring perpetrators to justice, which promotes a culture of violence through impunity granted to perpetrators. In order to curb this, Madadgar is advocating sustained efforts through better training, awareness and sensitisation provided to law enforcement officers. In order to truly safeguard human rights, government agencies and civil society organisations must make genuine joint efforts.

The children have the right to survive and the right to be protected from violence and abuse. Children should be treated as human being and they have right to be respected as thinking, feeling beings. All form of violence against children must be forbidden.

Zia Ahmed Awan President Lawyers for Human Rights & Legal Aid said Pakistan has ratified the Convention on the Rights of Child (CRC) and also ratified optional protocols, which focus on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict and the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. After ratifying the CRC and optional protocols, the State is accountable to evolve effective mechanisms for the purpose of preventing violence against children and providing protection and all required services to the survivors, but unfortunately children’s rights are not recognised at government level and the issue of child protection has not given required attention.

The Madadgar National Helpline data shows that children are being murdered, raped, abused, trafficked and abducted with impunity, which is very clear indication of failure of government in implementing CRC and other national laws to protect children.

Awan has expressed grave concern over the startling situation of violence against children and demanded that the Government should make a strategy to protect children from all kind of violence and abuses in Pakistan, adding children should receive no less protection than adults.

Daily Times

Maid tortured over petty issue

LAHORE: A teenaged maid was allegedly tortured by her master and was shifted to the Jinnah Hospital for medical treatment on Sunday.

According to details, 13-year-old Kiran had been working at a house in the City for the last several years on a meager salary. On the day of the incident, she was badly thrashed by her master, yet to be identified, over a petty household matter and was shifted to the Jinnah Hospital where she was operated. Her condition is said to be critical until filing of this report. No case has yet been registered against the accused.

Meanwhile, a three-member gang was smashed by Green Town police; and cash, mobile phones and illegal weapons were recovered from their possession. During interrogation, the gangsters identified as Ikramul Haq alias Kamoo (ring leader) and his two accomplices Shahbaz and Imran confessed to committing nine incidents of dacoity and robbery in various parts of the City.

Also, City police operations Chief Muhammad Tahir Rai said the police would remain on high alert during three days of Eid-ul-Fitr. “The holidays of the policemen have been cancelled and more than 10,000 sagacious cops have been deputed on specified points of the City,” he added.

The Nation

Arrest of a minor Christian girl: President seeks report within 24 hours

President Asif Ali Zardari has taken serious note of the report of the arrest of a minor Christian girl in Islamabad on the charges of blasphemy and called for a report from the Interior Ministry. According to reports, a minor Christian girl Miss Ramsha, 11, resident of Hameeraabad in Sector G-8 was arrested and sent to jail allegedly for desecrating pages from the Holy Quran.

Some reports, however, also said that the girl was burning used papers collected from the garbage for cooking when someone entered her house accusing the family of burning the pages of Holy Quran. This provoked people of the katchi abadi who gathered and beat the mother and sister of Ramsha and also burned some houses of the Christians.

While the Christian population is reported to have fled the area the police arrested the mother and sister of Ramsha sending the latter to Adiala prison. Spokesperson Senator Farhatullah Babar said that the President has taken serious note of the incident and called for report from the Interior Ministry.

The President said that blasphemy by anyone cannot be condoned but no one will be allowed to misuse blasphemy law for settling personal scores.

Farhatullah Babar said that the President called for report within 24 hours and directed the authorities to protect the life and property of every one and that no one should be allowed to take the law into his hands.

The President also called for protecting every one particularly the vulnerable sections of society from any misuse of the blasphemy law.

Business Recorder