Working women to get state protection: Qaim

KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah on Thursday expressed hope that the problems faced by working women would be resolved and they would be protected against harassments through establishment of Ombudsman.

Talking to the newly-appointed provincial ombudsman for protection of women against harassment at work place, Pir Ali Shah who called on him at CM Secretariat, Qaim directed him to ensure protection of women at work place. The ombudsman discussed matters of mutual interest with the CM and apprised him about details of activities assigned to him. Meanwhile, the CM while taking notice of flow of water from Balochistan into Nai Gaaj in District Dadu that caused 50 feet breach directed Sindh Minister for Irrigation Jam Saifullah Dharejo, Hyderabad Commissioner Ahmed Bux Narejo and Secretary Irrigation Babar Effendi to ensure that no water is released in Sindh again. He further directed them to ensure rehabilitation of affected villages. Sindh Assembly Deputy Speaker Shahla Raza also called on Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah at CM House. She discussed matters of mutual interest and issues belonging to Sindh Assembly. Other related issues were also discussed.

OMBUDSMAN VOWS TO CHECK HARASSMENT AGAINST WOMEN: The newly-appointed Ombudsman for protection of women against harassment at work place, Pir Ali Shah called on Sindh Ombudsman Asad Ashraf Malik at his office here on Thursday. Malik while welcoming the recently-appointed ombudsman said that his appointment has taken place at very opportune time when the cases of harassment of women at work place were increasing. He informed him in detail the responsibilities and functions of the Sindh Ombudsman. On the occasion, he expressed his confidence that his appointment to the position would act as check against growing complaints of working women in this regard.

Malik assured of his full cooperation in setting up of the Women Complaint Secretariat and also offered to provide informal training to his officers and staff by the experienced functionaries of his Secretariat. Ali Shah appreciated the gesture, shown by Ashraf Malik and said that the two institutions have similar objectives that is the resolution of complainants grievances; therefore, it will be mutually helpful and in public interest to benefit from each other’s experiences. It may be recalled that Musarrat Hilali , Federal Women’s Ombudsman for protection of women against harassment at work place had earlier met Ashraf Malik and exchanged views relating to general complaints of harassment of women at work place. The Provincial Ombudsman had also assured her of full cooperation of his Secretariat during her visit to the province in connection with hearings and disposal of cases.

The Nation

Complaint secretariat for women to be established

Karachi: Ombudsman Sindh Asad Ashraf Malik has assured the newly-appointed Ombudsman for protection of women against harassment at workplace, Syed Pir Ali Shah, of the setting up of Women Complaint Secretariat. He also promised informal staff training by experienced functionaries.

This was discussed when Shah called on the ombudsman Sindh at his office on Thursday. Malik said the appointment of Shah was done at the right time as cases of harassment against women were on the rise.

Shah expressed confidence in performing his duties with full devotion, said Malik.

Appreciating the gesture of Malik, Shah said both the institutions shared similar objectives for the resolution of complaints and grievances.

Mussrat Hilali, federal women’s ombudsman for protection of women against harassment at workplace, had earlier met Malik to exchange views in this regard. The Sindh ombudsman had assured her of full cooperation of his secretariat in connection with the hearing and disposal of such cases.

The News

Man, woman murdered

SHIKARPUR: A woman and a young man were killed on the pretext of karo-kari in the village of Makkan Jalbani on Thursday.Jumo Jalbani, with the help of his friends, killed his sister-in-law Ms Faiza and his relative Tajal Jalbani and fled.

No FIR was registered till filing of this report.

In another incident, an old man was shot dead in Gol Market in the remit of Stuart Ganj police station on Thursday.
