Japan grants $163,165 for girls’ school in Okara

ISLAMABAD: The government of Japan has decided to extend financial support of $163,165 to the Ameer Begum Welfare Trust (ABWT) for the construction of a girls’ school in Okara. For this purpose, Japanese Ambassador to Pakistan Hiroshi OE and ABWT Chairwoman Robina Shaheen Wattoo signed an agreement on Wednesday.

Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan Mian Manzoor Ahmad Wattoo, who is also the ABWT pattern-in-chief, was also present at the signing ceremony as the chief guest.

According to the agreement, the grant would be utilised for the construction of the school building and procurement of school material and playground equipment. The school will provide free education, uniforms and textbooks to students. According to the agreement, the institution will cater to educational needs of approximately 300 needy students of Okara and its surroundings. In addition, this project would contribute to improving the standard of education in the area, it said, adding that the project would also help promote education among girls. At the signing ceremony, Ambassador OE said that promoting education among girls was one of the top priorities of Japan’s assistance policy towards Pakistan.

Source: Daily Times

‘Women can beat anyone in any field’

Karachi: Almost all speakers at the Women Leaders Summit, held on Wednesday, stressed that gender was only a term as women could beat anyone in any profession if only they were determined and passionate enough.

At the daylong summit, there were many prominent Pakistani women who shared their experiences, struggles and success stories. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy received a huge round of applause as she came on stage. Chinoy, who recently won an Oscar nomination for a short documentary, spoke about highlighting women issues through film. She said the day she won an Emmy award, her father died, and added that “today I feel that he’s smiling down at me.” Chinoy said her other ventures included a documentary on the underground movement of women in Saudi Arabia.

Dr Seema Suvarioglu from Turkey spoke about women, modern-day living and spirituality. Sharing her story, she said that in the hustle of busy working life one tends to disconnect from taking care of the spiritual area of life, “but it is the most important”. She was of the view that out of the four basic dimensions of life, i.e. physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual investment, spiritual investment was something not many people delved into.

The panel session with Ayesha Tammy Haq, corporate lawyer, activist and journalist, was the most interactive one. Four most prominent women entrepreneurs of Pakistan — Sana and Safinaz, Farzeen Irtizaz and Saulat Salahuddin — were invited as panelists. Rather than being formal, the session was quite interactive as the guests spoke about how they survived obstacles and did what they wanted to do in life.

However, all of them agreed on one thing — that not once did they face gender bias from people, either in their family or outside. Speaking shyly at first, designer duo Sana and Safinaz, who are sisters-in-law, admitted openly that they did not go to college or acquired any formal education for the designing that they did but the fame that they received now was humbling.

“We have been in the business for 22 years now. The earlier phase of our journey was full of setbacks and struggles. Our brand started very slowly but became steady after a while. Overall, it was worth the effort that we put in,” said Safinaz answering a question from Haq.

Sana added that what took them 22 years now took only about four years, thanks to the “exposure and knowledge the teenagers of today have”.

Farzeen Irtizaz’s story was a bit different from others as it started after her surviving a disaster. Now heading a huge business, Irtizaz got her foot and back injured during the earthquake of 2005.

“While in bed, I knew I couldn’t let myself be dependent on anyone,” she said. Her husband who was in the army, was also by her side and she was grateful for the fact that she did not lose anyone.

One of her friends from abroad asked her to do something while sitting at home and Irtizaz decided to start a clothing line. Now she is selling it to millions of women across Pakistan as well as in New York and George Town in America.

Saulat Salauddin, a manufacturer by profession, said that all it took for women to come out of home and do something was to “believe that they have a gift and needs to be shared with others”.

“In our 40s now, we are still raring to go and will not stop,” said Sana. While answering a question, Safinaz said that at times people made a vital mistake by presuming that fashion was frivolous. “It is not. We are creating jobs and it is a moneymaking business which is serious about its goals.”

Vaqar Ahmad Khan, general manager training, Pakistan State Oil, showed a picture compilation depicting various women achievers from different countries. Before beginning the slide show, he said that women could no doubt multitask and they needed to be given the respect they deserved in society.

His presentation included inspirational quotes from many women who went on to achieve a lot, just on the basis of their grit and determination. The last session was headed by Dr Huma Baqai, anchor with Pakistan Television, and included Pakistan’s first woman architecture Yasmeen Lari, Nasreen Haque and barrister Nausheen Ahmad.

Speaking about the recent laws that have been passed regarding crimes against women, Barrister Nausheen Ahmad said that what was more important was to change the mindset of the people, and only then would the laws have the desired efficacy.

Meanwhile, Yasmeen Lari said that the earlier generation had it easier than the present one. “We knew people when we started something. Yes, the bar always got higher for us but nowadays in every business one has to immediately impress otherwise you are gone. The longevity of everyone’s career depends on it.”

While during a discussion, Ayesha Tammy Haq said to the women sitting in the audience that till 1975 women in France were not allowed to work outside home without the husband’s permission. “Looking at that we are way better, as in the 70s many women in Pakistan not only worked but took care of their children as well.”

Source: The News

Domestic violence on the rise

DOMESTIC violence is on the rise and annihilating the family structure. Many women keep their plight to themselves as involving anyone could spell more trouble and humiliation for them. But this is by no means unique to Muslim families: it is a universal phenomenon where the one suffering has to bear everything alone.

In some cultures, it is not just the husband who abuses as in-laws can be involved in ruining the relationship between spouses too. In Muslim families, more often than not, the ‘polygamy card’ is played, blurring the line between the ‘permission’ to have up to four wives, and the ‘right’ to have four wives.

Often lips are sealed and nothing is ever said regarding the agonising situation a woman is in. She remains silent for the sake of her children and what will happen to them if she speaks up. Fear of the unknown plays its part. Years of abuse and torture, physical and mental, take their toll. As time goes by, she loses confidence in herself and her capabilities.

Even though the number of divorces is increasing every day by leaps and bounds, it is still considered a taboo in most societies.

Some courageous women who do get divorced are those who are financially independent and have strong support of their parents and families. Many of these find themselves at a dead-end and never remarry.

It is not just women but also children living in a hostile environment who suffer at the hands of abusive parents. There are many government and non-government organisations in the US for protecting battered and abused women and children. The
US government takes these matters seriously. Doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers are recruited to identify the signs of domestic violence, which is ever on the rise.

The police respond to any calls to protect the innocent and hapless. But cases where the police are involved often result in broken families, so many just suffer in silence.

Islam plays an important role in Muslim culture: lives revolve around faith and belief in justice. Clerics and media can and should play an important role in reminding individuals to treat others in a fair and just manner.

Highlight the duties and rights in Friday sermons. Mass family counseling is needed. If these efforts can reform some individuals and save a few families, it would be worthwhile.

Murphy, Texas

Source: Dawn

Woman set ablaze by in-laws

SANGHAR: The mother of two who was allegedly set on fire by her in-laws on Tuesday evening in the Padari Jo Goth, five km from here, was on Wednesday shifted to Karachi in critical condition from the burns ward of the Hyderabad Civil Hospital.

Ms Saba Noreen was reportedly burnt by her father-in-law and mother-in-law over some domestic disputes and according to doctors her body was 80 per cent burnt. Her father Yaqoob Masih rushed to the Padri Jo Goth from Kotri and took her to Hyderabad for treatment.

Mr Yaqoob lodged an FIR against the in-laws in Sanghar and police arrested the mother-in-law Shakeela Masih and the father-in-law Ishaq Masih.

Mr Yaqoob told Dawn said that his daughter was burnt and brutally tortured by her in-laws when she was suffering from fever and was taking rest in a room. They doused her in kerosene oil and set her on fire, he said. The accused Mr Ishaq denied involvement in the incident and the mother in-law claimed Ms Noreen had committed self-immolation.

Source: Dawn

Man held for killing wife

KARACHI: A newly-wed woman was slaughtered at her house in the Landhi area on Wednesday, police said.

They said that Mohammad Sabir had an altercation with his wife, Khairunisa, and he afterwards allegedly slaughtered her with a dagger in their house in Landhi No 6 within the remit of the Landhi police station.

Hearing the screams of the victim, area people rushed to the house and informed the police about the murder. The police arrived there and took into custody the victim’s husband, they added.

The body was shifted to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre for medico-legal formalities.The police said that the victim had married Sabir some two months back. Sabir was living with his in-laws, they added.

A case (FIR No 10/2012) was registered under Section 302 (premeditated murder) of the Pakistan Penal Code against Sabir on a complaint of the victim’s father.

Source: Dawn