Couple stripped down, photographed by armed men

ABBOTABAD: In another appalling act of misogyny, a group of armed men entered the house of a married couple in Kanthiali village on Tuesday night, stripped them and fled after taking nude pictures of them.

Naseer Ahmed told the police that he was asleep with his family when Safeer, Arif and eight other men armed with pistols and AK-47s barged in and held him and his wife, Shumaila Bibi, at gunpoint.

The intruders thrashed the couple before stripping them down and dragging them out in to the veranda, where the other family members were being held hostage. The attackers then took pictures of the couple and left the home while firing in the air.

Police said that the accused, Safeer, suspected that Naseer was having an affair with his wife and had acted out of “honour”. It was also reported that Safeer had beaten his wife black and blue, but the matter had not been reported to the police.

The police have registered a criminal case against all of the accused.

In a similar case in Abbottabad District, a woman was stripped naked and thrashed on Monday.

Source: The Express Tribune

Woman set on fire, another killed for ‘honour’ by in-laws

By Muhammad Sadaqat

Police arrest three suspects in the first case, while suspect in second case still at large.

HARIPUR: While the government has passed several bills to prosecute discriminatory practices, violence against women continues to rise dramatically, suggesting that more needs to be done to implement these laws to protect the vulnerable.

Two married women were allegedly killed by their in-laws in separate incidents in Hazara division on Tuesday evening.

In the first incident, a married woman was allegedly set on fire in Kotnajibullah village. The deceased was the mother of two minor children. The police have arrested three suspects in the case.

The police quoted Taj Bibi, a resident of Pandak village, as saying that her 28-year-old daughter Romana married to a shopkeeper, Aftab Ahmed and would often complain about her in-laws’ hostile attitude.

On Tuesday evening, she quarrelled with her father-in-law Abdul Manan, her brother-in-law Irfan and Irfan’s wife Fauzia. As a consequence, Romana’s in-laws doused her with kerosene oil and set her on fire.

According to the complainant, her daughter was not even taken to the hospital and was left to succumb to burn injuries.

She said her daughter was completely burnt and she found her charred body in the kitchen when she reached the house after Romana’s husband informed her.

The police have arrested the three suspects under section 302/34 of the Pakistan Penal Code. Meanwhile, a woman was shot dead in the name of honour, while her alleged boyfriend was injured when a former union nazim opened fire at them in Shalkanabad, Palas valley. According to local people, the cold-blooded murder was committed on suspicion.

Station House Officer Sarwar Khan told The Express Tribune that 27-year-old Saira Bibi, a mother of three and a teacher at a government school was seen talking to Ilyas by some students through a gap in the school’s boundary wall. Unaware of their teacher’s fate, the students told their parents about the incident, who informed Saira’s father-in-law Haibat Khan, a former union nazim, about the incident.

Infuriated, Khan first attacked Ilyas near his home and shot him with an AK-47. However, he managed to survive and reach home. He then went home and shot his daughter-in-law, killing her on the spot. According to police sources, when Khan found out Ilyas had survived the attack, he besieged his house, firing continuously. However, when the police intervened, he and his accomplices fled and Ilyas was taken to a hospital in Abbottabad.

Incidents of honour killings in Kohistan have shown a marked increase in the past few months.

Earlier in December 2011, four persons, including two women, were killed in the name of honour.

Source: The Express Tribune

SHC moved for release of women, children

Karachi: A petition was filed in the Sindh High Court on Wednesday, seeking production of some women and children who are allegedly being detained by the Qambar police.

Petitioner Mohammad Mithal Chandio, a farmer in Bityun village in Qambar, submitted that the police raided his house on December 27 and maltreated his family members. He submitted that the police were informed that his family had no relation with a criminal, Siku, but the police still took the women – Inayat Khatoon, Amina Khatoon, Ms Komari, Ms Musarat, Ms Hasina, Ms Kamala and Ms Nadira — along with four suckling babies to the police stations without any charge. He alleged that the police also took cash and valuables from his house and demanded R5,00,000 as bribe for their release.

Citing the Home Department, the IG Sindh, the DIG Larkana, the SSP Qambar, the SHO Naseerabad and the SHO Wagan as respondents, the court was requested to direct the respondents to produce the detainees and order the registration of a case against the police officials.

Source: The News

Man kills sister-in-law in Sachal

KARACHI: A woman was shot dead and her body was set on fire in her house in the Bhitaiabad area on Wednesday, police said.

They said that the incident occurred at Dhani Bukhsh Goth in Bhitaiabad within the remit of the Sachal police station, where 37-year-old Zahida was allegedly shot dead by her sister’s husband, who is a next-door neighbour. They added that he also burned her body and escaped.

A duty officer at the Sachal police station said that the victim woman was alone in her house as her four children had gone to school and the husband, Munir Ahmed, was in his office.

The suspect, whose name is also Munir Ahmed, barged into the house, shot her and set the body on fire.

Sachal SHO Azhar Ali said that it appeared that the suspect poured petrol on the body to burn it. The body was completely burnt.

The police were unsure about the exact motive. However, quoting the statement of the victim woman’s husband, the area SHO said that the suspect was allegedly involved in the drugs business and he had told the suspect not to come to his house.

However, it appeared that there was some property dispute between the two families, the area SHO added.

The police said that a son and the wife of the suspect had been detained for questioning. The suspect also had four children, they said.

Quoting the statement of the suspect’s wife, the duty officer at the Sachal police station said that the suspect wanted to have a relationship with the victim but she had refused him.

Till late in the night, no FIR in connection with the murder was lodged, as the victim’s family had told the police that they would lodge the FIR following her funeral.

Both families hailed from Larkana and the body was being taken to their hometown for burial, the police said.

Body found
The body of a man was found at a desolate place within the remit of the Ibrahim Hyderi police station on Wednesday, police said.

They said that it appeared that the body had lain there for four days.

The victim man was aged between 45 and 50 years and died from a head injury caused by a sharp-edged weapon.

The body was shifted to the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre for a post-mortem examination. Following the legal formalities, the body was shifted to the Edhi morgue for want of identification.

Till late in the night, no FIR was lodged at the Ibrahim Hyderi police station.

Man dies in accident
A young motorcyclist was killed in a road accident on Hub River Road on Wednesday.

Police said that a fast-moving dumper truck knocked down the 30-year-old motorcyclist, Muhammad Arif, in a Baldia Town locality. He died on the spot.

The body was shifted to the Civil Hospital Karachi for medico-legal formalities.

The police detained dumper driver Faiz Muhammad and impounded the vehicle.

The victim was a resident of Saeedabad and worked at a garment factory and was heading to work when the accident occurred.

A case (FIR 4/2012) was registered under Section 320 (punishment for qatl-i-Khata by rash or negligent driving) and 427 (mischief causing damage to the amount of fifty rupees) of the Pakistan Pena Code at the Mauripur police station on a complaint of the victim’s father, Ghufran.