The great escape: Women cut window grilles, flee ‘shelter’

By Shehzad Baloch

Administrator of shelter suspended following the incident.

QUETTA: A committee was formed on Monday to investigate the escape of 10 women and three children from a Darul Aman [shelter home].

The inmates managed to flee by cutting the window grilles of Darul Aman on Sunday morning. There were 17 women living in the shelter, 13 of whom escaped.

Following the incident, the administrator of the shelter run by the Social Welfare Department of Balochistan, was suspended.

“This is the second such ‘great escape’ over the past four months. Earlier, four women escaped, who were later caught by law enforcers,” said Perveen Akhtar who lives at the Darul Aman. “The reason behind such incidents is a lack of facilities,” she added. “We want to get out of here because we are provided substandard food and not provided timely medical aid,” she said.

There is one watchman at the shelter and he is said to be 65 years old.

Director Social Welfare Mohammad Ali Durani said that a high-level inquiry has been ordered to investigate the incident. “All women belonged to Sindh or Punjab and every month such incidents take place here,” he said.

However, Durrani blamed the ‘system’ for the incidents.

“Most women were brought by the police [there] on the orders of local magistrates. In some cases we found the relatives of some of the women, but heavy charges for their bail forced the relatives not to return,” he added.

Source: The Express Tribune


Seven women among 94 commissioned in Navy

Karachi: As many as 94 naval cadets, including seven women, were commissioned to join the Pakistan Navy (PN) as officers at the passing-out parade held at the Pakistan Naval Academy here on Monday.

With these seven women, the number of female officers graduating from Pakistan Naval Academy stands at 64. However, the total number of female officers serving in the Pakistan Navy is much higher.

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir was chief guest on the occasion.

Addressing the parade, the naval chief lauded the participation of women in the armed forces and said that the fourth batch of female naval officers as part of passing-out parade not only signified the self-assurance of Pakistani women in their abilities but also their will to step into the seafaring profession which was an exclusively male preserve in the past.

The chief of naval staff said that Pakistan at present was beset with numerous challenges.

He said, “The scourge of terrorism continues to plague our national efforts towards a progressive and prosperous nation”.

Admiral Bashir, however, said that he had full conviction that collectively and with dedicated efforts, the nation would surmount the challenge and Pakistan would find its rightful place in the comity of nations.

Addressing the graduating officers, the Naval Chief said that the Naval Warfare had become an exceedingly vast and complex domain which demanded thorough knowledge and ingenuity.

Remaining abreast with the developments, both in weaponry and doctrinal concepts is the need of time but modern weaponry alone does not guarantee success. It requires high professional skills and undeterred will to accomplish assigned tasks against all odds, he said.

Earlier in his welcome speech, Commandant Pakistan Naval Academy Commodore Ayaz Ahmed Nasir highlighted the salient features of training at the Pakistan Naval Academy.

He apprised the audience that the commissioning term includes six officers from Palestine and eight from Saudi Arabia along with 32 Short Service Commissioned officers including seven females.

Later, the chief guest awarded prizes to the winners. Midshipman Zeeshan Javed was awarded Sword of Honour for best performance. Academy’s Dirk was grabbed by Midshipman Saad Sohail Malik.

For best all-round performance, Quaid-e-Azam Gold Medal was awarded to Lt. M Wahab Usama and the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Gold Medal went to Cadet Mohsin Saeed. Commandant Gold Medal was given to Cadet Beenish Zaidi. Cadet Tharawat JH Jamalan from Palestine Navy received the CNS Gold Medal and was declared the best all round allied cadet.

Source: The News


Newly-wed woman found strangled

KARACHI: A newly-married woman was strangled to death allegedly by her husband and father-in-law in Orangi Town on Monday, police said.

The officials added that the accused family attempted to cover up the alleged crime by pretending that the woman had committed suicide but a post-mortem examination of the body showed that 22-year-old Nasreen Bibi had actually been strangled to death.

“The victim got married with Abdul Wahid in the second week of May,” said Orangi Town SHO Sub-Inspector Jafar Abbas.

“Some area people told us that a woman in MPR Colony had committed suicide. We first visited her room where the family said she had committed suicide but there was nothing that could corroborate their claim, raising suspicions that it was a

He said the in-laws of the deceased woman were unwilling for the post-mortem examination but it was made possible when the police insisted on medico-legal formalities.

“The findings of the initial examination showed that the woman did not commit suicide rather she was strangled to death with a piece of rope,” the SHO said.

Meanwhile, he said, a brother of the victim arrived from Quetta and shared with the police a few facts that would help probe the murder.

He said it was surprising that during the entire episode the victim’s husband and father-in-law were missing. They did not appear before the police despite repeated requests, he added.

Following the medico-legal examination, the police registered an FIR (204/2011) under Sections 302 (premeditated murder) and 34 (common intention) of the Pakistan Penal Code against the victim’s husband, Abdul Wahid, and father-in-law, Abdul
Khaliq, on a complaint of her brother, Zaheer Ahmed.

The official said that while the exact motive behind the murder was not yet clear, the complainant alleged that his brother-in-law was a drug addict and the former came to know about the fact only after his sister’s marriage.

Source: Dawn
