Supportive environment for mothers

IN 1631, a beautiful empress, Mumtaz Mahal, died while giving birth to her 14th child. Overwhelmed by grief, her husband constructed a monument in her honour – the Taj Mahal, one of the world’s most renowned edifices. And yet, while the Taj Mahal’s domes and spires are instantly recognisable, there is far less global awareness of the tragedy that inspired its creation.

Nearly 400 years after Mumtaz Mahal lost her life in childbirth, a woman dies from causes related to pregnancy or childbirth every minute of every day – more than 500,000 women each year, 10 million per generation. How can it be that in our age of modern advances and medical miracles we are still failing to safeguard women as they perpetuate the human race itself? The answer, of course, is that while public health has made breathtaking strides, the benefits have not been equally shared, either among countries or among the geographical areas and social groups within them.

Even though the causes of pregnancy and childbirth complications are the same around the world, their consequences vary dramatically from country to country and region to region. Today, a young woman in Sweden has a one in 17,400 lifetime risk of dying of pregnancy-related causes. In Sierra Leone, her risk soars to one in eight. And for every woman who dies, another 20 are afflicted with serious infections or injuries. An estimated 75,000 women each year become victims of obstetric fistula, a physically and psychologically devastating condition that can result in social exclusion.

The toll in women’s lives is enormous. But they are not the only ones who suffer. As a group of experts stated during a global conference on women’s health in 2007: “In their prime reproductive years, women ‘deliver’ for their societies in multiple ways: they bear and raise the next generation, and they are critical actors for progress as workers, leaders and activists.” When women’s lives are cut short or incapacitated as a result of pregnancy or childbirth, the tragedy cascades. Children lose a parent. Spouses lose a partner. And societies lose productive contributors.

Our world cannot afford to keep sacrificing so many people and so much potential. We know what it takes to prevent and treat the vast majority of pregnancy-related difficulties, from eclampsia and haemorrhage to sepsis, obstructed labour and anaemia. Indeed, the World Bank estimates that such basic interventions as antenatal care, attendance at delivery by skilled health personnel, and accessible emergency treatment for women and newborns could avert almost three quarters of maternal deaths.

But expanding medical interventions is just one part of improving maternal and newborn health. More fundamentally, we need to boost women’s empowerment around the world. Consider that in a century increasingly defined by information, we still do not have precise data regarding the numbers of women who die in childbirth each year. Why are maternal deaths only partially enumerated? One possible reason is that, in too many places, women’s lives do not fully count.

As long as women remain disadvantaged in their societies, maternal and newborn health will suffer as well. But if we can empower women with the tools to take control of their lives, we can create a more supportive environment for women and children alike.

Empowerment begins with education, the best development investment we can make – from ensuring that girls as well as boys are able to attend primary school to teaching women to read and write, and providing public health education. Although much remains to be done, many countries are beginning to make strides in this direction. In Jordan, for example, nursing students from the University of Jordan are volunteering to educate girls in public schools about women’s health issues.

Study after study shows that educated women are better equipped to earn income to support their families, more likely to invest in their children’s healthcare, nutrition and education, and more inclined to participate in civic life and to advocate for community improvements. Educated mothers are also more likely to seek proper healthcare for themselves; according to the 2007 Millennium Development Goals Report, “84 per cent of women who have completed secondary or higher education are attended by skilled personnel during childbirth, more than twice the rate of mothers with no formal education.”

Children of educated mothers are 50 per cent more likely to survive until the age of five and beyond than those whose mothers did not receive or complete schooling. For girls in particular, education can make the difference between hope and despair. Research shows that young people who complete primary school are less likely to be infected by HIV than those who never managed to graduate from primary school.

Educated girls are also more likely to delay marriage and less likely to get pregnant while very young, reducing the risk of dying in childbirth while they are still children themselves. As girls continue their education, their earning potential increases, enabling them to break the bonds of poverty too often passed down through the generations.

Put simply, changing the trajectory for girls can change the course of the future. And if these girls grow into women who choose to become mothers themselves, they will view pregnancy and childbirth as something to celebrate, not fear.

The writer, the Queen of Jordan, is Eminent Advocate for Children for Unicef.
Source: Dawn

Sons set mother, wives and kids on fire

LAHORE, Jan 15: Ordered by their father, two brothers locked up six of their family members, including their mother, wives, and children, in a room before setting it on fire near Bhatta No II, Green Town, rescuers and police said.

However, timely intervention by neighbours and some acquaintances prevented any casualty as they called up emergency services.

Frequent domestic quarrels are said to be the cause of the incident.

The Rescue 1122 Ambulance and Fire Service said their personnel, after being informed of the incident, reached the spot and rescued those trapped inside the room, shifting them to Jinnah Hospital with burns.

The victims were identified as one-and-a-half year old Aamir Hamza, Mehak (3), Mah Noor (5), Ayesha (19), Shaheen (30), and Rafaqat (30).

Valuables worth Rs50,000 were reportedly gutted in the blaze.

Saddar division SP Rana Mansoorul Haq told Dawn that wife of Ashiq Jutt and her two daughters-in-laws would frequently quarrel with each other. On Thursday, they again had a quarrel which proved the limit for Ashiq who in a rage ordered his two sons to set all family members on fire and they obeyed.

He said the accused fled the scene immediately.
Source: Dawn

Govt urged to take up Aafia’s case at top level

ISLAMABAD, Jan 15: The Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights and Senate Foreign Relations Committee asked the government on Thursday to take up Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s case with the United States at the highest level to secure her early repatriation.

The two committees at a joint meeting also called for human rights organisations in Pakistan to take up the issue with international rights groups to secure her release from a US prison.

The meeting, presided over by Senator S.M. Zafar, was convened to discuss a report prepared on the issue by Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The meeting expressed the hope that Pakistani expatriates and organisations in the US would join forces to resolve this humanitarian issue.

The committees noted that Dr Siddiqui had undergone unprecedented torture, solitary confinement and eight years of imprisonment, and deserved to be repatriated immediately on humanitarian grounds.

In a unanimous resolution, the meeting condemned the humiliation and detention of the Pakistani doctor and termed it a violation of the International Convention on Human Rights.

The committee expressed satisfaction over the fact that the government had promised to provide better legal aid to Dr Siddiqui, if need arose.

The committee decided to send a copy of the resolution to US Ambassador to Pakistan and Dr Fauzia Siddiqui, the sister of Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

Senators Mushahid Hussain Sayed, S.M Zafar, Saadia Abbasi and Talha Mehmood had met Dr Siddiqui in the US a few months back.
Source: Dawn

Plea to help increase female literacy

HYDERABAD, Jan 15: The government has appealed to the private sector to join its efforts to increase literacy among women by providing incentives to schoolgoing girls.

The appeal was made by the DCO Aftab Ahmed Khatri on Thursday during the inaugural ceremony of a girls primary school constructed by the British Petroleum Pakistan in Lim Liar village, Tando Fazal union council in Hyderabad rural taluka.

The DCO said that the government was giving Rs1,000 to every girl from Class-VI to X for attracting them towards education though private schools were yet to follow this despite the fact that they pocket huge profit through fees.

He asked the private institutions to at least provide fee concession to girls for helping in increasing literacy rate. Some 210 Sindhi and Urdu medium schools had been converted into English medium in the district, he said.

President, British Petroleum Pakistan, Tariq Khamisani said that his organisation was committed to upgrading the standard of living in its concession area. He said that the first step in this direction was an easy access to education.

He said that the BPP had already launched many projects in the field of education, health and capacity-building at Badin district and other concession areas.

He said that they need the government, NGOs and community support not only to make these projects successful, but also to launch new ones for community welfare.
Source: Dawn

SHC seeks govt views within two weeks: Dr Aafia case

KARACHI, Jan 15: A division bench of the Sindh High Court comprising Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali and Justice Faisal Arab on Thursday gave the federal and provincial governments a last opportunity to submit their comments on a petition challenging Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s arrest, detention and transfer of her custody to the US authorities and seeking her repatriation to Pakistan.

Petitioner Intikhab Alam Suri of the Human Rights Network said Dr Siddiqui is a Pakistani citizen and could not have been sent abroad. If there was any charge against her, she should have been tried within the country.

However, she was surreptitiously picked up by unknown ‘agency’ personnel from Karachi and then made over to the US authorities, who first detained her in Afghanistan and when her illegal detention became public, transferred her to the United States for trial on trumped-up charges. She had already undergone physical and mental torture and was unlikely to recover unless she rejoined her family in Karachi.

As the petition came up for hearing, the law officers appearing for the provincial and federal government again sought adjournment for filing comments. The bench gave them two weeks more but warned that if they failed to come up with their rejoinders within the stipulated period, the court would have to presume that the averments made in the petition were true and proceed to pass an order accordingly.
Source: Dawn