=> MARDAN, Dec 20: The police on Thursday morning foi

MARDAN, Dec 20: The police on Thursday morning foiled an attempt to blow up CD shops and internet cafes in the Takhtbai bazaar by removing and defusing an explosive device.

Officials said that some miscreants had planted an explosive device in the China Market in the bazaar to blow up CD shops and internet cafes, but the police foiled the attempt by removing the device and defusing it.

A watchman of the market, Ihsanullah, had informed the police after he saw suspected material placed in a ghee tin near the CD shops and net cafes.

Sources said that if the explosive device had gone off, it would have destroyed the entire market.

The police have registered a case and started investigations.
Source: Dawn

An alliance of working women promises campaign

ISLAMABAD: An alliance of working women Asha, based at Islamabad has promised to initiate a campaign against sexual harassment to women.

The organisation demands appropriate legislation to curb sexual harassment to women who work in mixed environment.

To achieve these aims the NGO will convene an annual assembly of working women in the federal capital on Jan 2. The converting of women’s assembly each is a feature of its activities.

According to its statement of objectives: People especially women from different organisations get-together on this day and share their views about problems they face at workplace.

It said that participants would share their experiences, views and query in the plenary sessions. The assembly would end with adopting resolution and setting down a number of commitments.

Source: The News


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan reported 2,708 murders in 2007

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan reported 2,708 murders in 2007 till November with the NFWP topping the table.

Last year, 2,736 people lost their lives in various acts of violence, says an interior ministry’s document on general law and order/heinous crimes, obtained by Daily Times.

The document shows that the NWFP was worst hit by violence with the number of slain people coming to 1,600. In the province, extremism compounded the security crisis. It saw frequent suicide attacks on security personnel.

The spate of violence which spilled over from tribal areas bordering Afghanistan into the country’s settled areas continued to be the major concern of the regime, resulting in military operations in Tank, Swat, Dir, Shangla and Malakand districts. In NWFP, alone 1,600 people have been murdered since November this year compared with the last year’s 1,549 victims of such violence.

According to the province breakdown, 350 people were murdered in Punjab showing a little decline compared to the previous year’s figures of 498.

Punjab, the most populated province of Pakistan, also witnessed six suicide attacks in the year. They included suicide bombing of Kharian Cantonment (March 29), unsuccessful attack on police training camp in Sargodha (August 2), two in Rawalpindi on September 4 (one in RA Bazaar and other in Qasim Market), suicide blast near Rawalpindi district courts (October 30) and bombing of PAF Bus in Sargodha (November 1).

The documents said that the country’s overall security situation remained satisfactory in 2007 till November except unfortunate incidents of May 12 and suicide attack on the caravan of Benazir Bhutto (Oct 19) in Karachi.

However, it showed fast growing street crime in Karachi as the main worry. In all, 450 people were murdered in Sindh, 44 more than that of the last year.

In Balochistan, 210 people were reported murdered till November compared with 193 in the previous year. The major incidents in Balochistan in 2007 included the targeted killing of provincial government’s spokesman Raziq Bugti (July 27), SSP Investigation, Quetta (September 26) and attack on Chinese nationals in Hub and suicide attack on district courts Quetta (Feb 17).

The document said that terror attacks dropped by 15 per cent early this year but an upward trend was recorded in such acts after June.

It said that there’s a significant increase in number of murder cases in Islamabad Capital Territory 58 people were murdered till November this year. The capital territory also witnessed Lal Masjid-Jamia Hafsa crisis where over 100 students and militants and more than 10 security personnel were killed, besides two suicide attacks PPP camp at district courts (July 17) and at Aabpara Market (July 26).

The document described Northern Areas as the peaceful part of Pakistan compared with other parts of the country, saying only 40 people were murdered there against 50 last year.

Source: Daily Times


=> PESHAWAR, Dec 20: In a surprising but heartening d

PESHAWAR, Dec 20: In a surprising but heartening development, five women from Peshawar have joined the race for provincial assembly’s general seats.

The contestants include two members of the previous assembly who had been elected on reserved seats for women.

The situation in PF-4 (Peshawar-IV) constituency is particularly interesting as three women are in the field there. The contestants are: a former MPA, Dr Simin Mehmood Jan; a lawyer, Khalida Nasreen, and; the wife of a late union council nazim, Shazia Asif.

Ghaliba Khursheed is contesting from two constituencies –PF-1 (Peshawar-I) and PF-3 (Peshawar-III). She became an MPA in 2002 on a reserved seat. She belongs to the Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal.

She is known for her criticism of MMA policies, especially the proposed establishment of a Hisba Force and the office of ombudsman for looking into social virtues and vices.

She initially belonged to the Tehrik-i-Islami Pakistan, an MMA component. On various occasions, she openly violated the party policy and even voted in the presidential elections against the alliance’s decision.

“I decided to contest the elections because of the difficulties women MPAs faced in the past five years. We were provided funds by the government as if they were obliging us,” Ms Khursheed told Dawn.

She added: “I will demonstrate that women are capable of contesting against men candidates. For the same reason, I request all woman voters to vote for me to address the issue in future.”

Another former MPA, of the PML-Q, Dr Simin Mehmood Jan, sister-in-law of Salim Saifullah Khan, is in the run for PF-4 (Peshawar-IV) seat against 17 other candidates, including two women candidates.

“I want to remove the image of Talibanisation attached to our province and to improve investment opportunities so that beautiful faces could re-emerge on billboards in the provincial capital,” said Dr Jan.

“I am the first woman PML-Q candidate to contest general elections in the NWFP,” she said, adding that she had earlier applied for a PML-N ticket from PF-4 (Peshawar-IV) in 1997 elections but was later told to withdraw in favour of an ANP candidate.

She said that under the MMA government, merit of MPAs on reserved seats was often overlooked. She said that despite all hurdles, she openly opposed anti-women and fundamentalist legislation of the MMA as an MPA and raised voice for the rights of children and women.

“PF-4 is my ancestral constituency which is an added advantage, apart from the presence of educated women voters here who will definitely vote for me,” she added.

Shazia Asif Khan, contesting from PF-4 Peshawar-IV is wife of late Asif Khan Baghi, former nazim of Nauthia union council who lost his life in a suicide bombing on Jan 27. Shazia Asif Baghi, who is not visible on the posters displaying pictures of late Asif Baghi, is a housewife who was encouraged by her in-laws to contest the polls.

Safdar Baghi, her brother-in-law, speaking on behalf of the candidate said that she would fulfil the mission left incomplete by her husband and work for the solution of the problems of her areas like her late husband.

Khalida Nasreen is a lawyer and is contesting elections from PF-4 (Peshawar-IV). She pledged that she would serve the poor. She was elected a general councillor in the local government election in 2005. She that sanitation was the biggest issue of her locality and she would try to make her area cleaner.

Kalsoom Ghani is another new face contesting election from PF-5 (Peshawar-V) as an independent candidate.
Source: Dawn

=> ISLAMABAD: An alliance of working women Asha, base

ISLAMABAD: An alliance of working women Asha, based at Islamabad has promised to initiate a campaign against sexual harassment to women.

The organisation demands appropriate legislation to curb sexual harassment to women who work in mixed environment.

To achieve these aims the NGO will convene an annual assembly of working women in the federal capital on Jan 2. The converting of women’s assembly each is a feature of its activities.

According to its statement of objectives: People especially women from different organisations get-together on this day and share their views about problems they face at workplace.

It said that participants would share their experiences, views and query in the plenary sessions. The assembly would end with adopting resolution and setting down a number of commitments.
Source: The News