Two persons including a woman killed over karo-kari

Khairpur: Two persons, including a woman, were killed on the charge of karo kari on Sunday at village Ali Dost Chandio in Kumber.

Accused Meher Ali Chandio shot dead his wife Aminat and her alleged paramour Abdul Majid Chandio and later escaped.

Source: The News


LIKE most Canadian teenagers, Aqsa Parvez just wanted to grow up normal

LIKE most Canadian teenagers, Aqsa Parvez just wanted to grow up her own way, hanging out with her friends, dressing like them and pushing her curfew. Her tragic death this week, allegedly at her father’s hands in the family home in Mississauga, has shocked our community to the core, and has also highlighted the cross-generational and cross-cultural pressures that many families face.

… The courts will ultimately judge innocence and guilt, and whether this was a cultural dispute rooted in Aqsa’s desire to wear tight-fitting clothes and remove her hijab … or in some other as-yet-unknown factors…. But whatever the facts, Aqsa’s friends believe that a culture clash was playing itself out in the Parvez family before her death, which contributed to the other, inevitable strains that any immigrant family faces. The family came from Pakistan, and the parents are religious.

Reacting to that perception, thoughtful community figures such as Atiya Ahsan of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women have been quick to urge Muslim parents to take an understanding approach to their teenage children, to focus on the core values of their faith and not to obsess over a piece of clothing.

“If you know that your girl is good and she practises her faith … then for heaven’s sakes, you know, let the girl have a chance,” she says. That would be good advice for any family…. Moreover, family violence is not a ‘Muslim issue’, in any narrow sense. Or even an ‘immigrant issue’. It is a deeply rooted problem in our society, regardless of race, religion or length of time in Canada.… It is easy to find cases of conflict between parents and teens in families that have been here for generations, who do not profess any particular religion, and who share common cultural values. And occasionally, such conflicts spill over into violence, with tragic results….

Source: Dawn


=> Khairpur: Two persons, including a woman, were kil

Khairpur: Two persons, including a woman, were killed on the charge of karo kari on Sunday at village Ali Dost Chandio in Kumber.

Accused Meher Ali Chandio shot dead his wife Aminat and her alleged paramour Abdul Majid Chandio and later escaped.

Source: The News

=> Gender injustice and violence against women will h

Gender injustice and violence against women will have to be controlled and Sindh government will take every step to ensure that both the issues are addressed accordingly and at the earliest.

This was stated in an official handout issued on Sunday by Nadira Panjwani, Sindh Women Development Department (SWDD) and Population Welfare Minister. Panjwani said that SWDD would play the role of catalyst in developing linkages with credible Non-Governmental Organisations and Civil Society to ensure that no violence and injustice is committed against women. She further said that preventing the violence against women required commitment and cooperation of the entire society.

Earlier, the delegation of Gender Justice and Protection Project of UNDP led by Siddiq Ahmed Khan, National Project Manager informed the minister about the project and said that the goal of ‘gender justice’ and of ‘protection project’ as it was known was to bring sustainable reduction in violence against women in accordance with the government’s policy and commitments while the objective was to create and support mechanism for sustainable reduction of violence against women in Pakistan.

They further stated that the objectives will be met through advocacy and awareness, capacity building, research and support to victims.
Source: The News

=> LARKANA, Dec 16: A man shot dead his 25-year-old w

LARKANA, Dec 16: A man shot dead his 25-year-old wife and her alleged lover suspecting them of having illicit relations in the Ali Dost Chandio village in the limits of Drigh police station on Sunday.

Mehar Ali Chandio killed his wife Aamnat Chandio, and one Abdul Majeed Chandio before escaping, villagers said.

Late Abdul Majeed’s brother Abdlu Samad Chandio accused Mehar Chandio, Nizamuddain Chandio, Muneer Chandio and an unknown man of being involved in the murders in an FIR and insisted his brother was innocent.
Source: Dawn