Violence against women –Syed Mohammad Ali

There is an urgent need for increased provision of a whole range of support services for victims of violence. Women suffering from violence often have nowhere to turn. There is nearly not enough state or privately run women’s shelters

Violence against women remains a serious problem in Pakistan. In one form or another, violence is feared to occur in the major proportion of households across the country. According to some statistics, a Pakistani woman is raped every two hours. Despite the existence of such disturbing trends, however, discriminatory laws combined with gender biased customary practices allow various forms of violence to continue plaguing our society. Institutional neglect has made it virtually impossible for the victims of violence to seek either justice or relief. This article will aim to shed light on some lingering barriers which have prevented curbing violence against women in our country.

Organisations working with rape victims have pointed out a range of deterrents including social stigma, economic dependency, and unawareness concerning their basic rights, which compel most raped girls and women to remain silent about what has happened to them.

There has also not been much legal protection available to rape victims in Pakistan. The Hudood Ordinances, promulgated in 1979, had made it nearly impossible for victims of marital rape to seek justice. In fact, a rape victim herself could be liable for punishment if she remained unable to adequately prove her case in accordance to quite stringent parameters, in effect providing the benefit of the doubt to the perpetrator instead of the victims. Besides an unsympathetic judiciary, even medical doctors have been found to lack forensic competence to handle evidence needed for rape prosecutions, which has led to a convoluted focus on the virginity status and sexual history of the rape victim.

Besides the rape of women, murdering them on the basis of customs referred to as “karo kuri” or honour killings are still not uncommon today, whereby male relatives kill their own sisters, daughters, or other female family members to avenge the shame of a supposedly illicit relationship.

Social institutions such as jirgas, faislas or panchayats have often been known to sanction these acts of violence across different rural areas. Moreover there is evidence of honour crimes spreading to larger towns and cities from the traditional rural heartlands over the past decade. While honour killings are considered as an act of murder under the Pakistan Penal Code, the family of the victim is legally allowed to seek a compromise with the murderer. Resultantly, only a dismal five percent of abusive husbands and family members are ever convicted according to women rights organisations.

Moreover, the police are generally considered reluctant to investigate cases of domestic violence, unless media or civil society succeeds in publicising a given case. The lack of specific legislation against domestic violence enables the police to easily dismiss complaints of physical or sexual violence, particularly if the perpetrator manages to bribe or exert influence on them.

Besides honour killings and rape, there are also other forms of grotesque gender-oriented violence such as acid burnings which rarely kill but result in serious disfigurement. Although women rights advocates have protested the open sale of acid, it is still easily available. There is also evidence of “stove deaths” occurring due to different reasons including failure to give birth to a son, disobedience, or allegations of adultery.

There is an urgent need for increased provision of a whole range of support services for victims of violence. Women suffering from violence often have nowhere to turn. There is nearly not enough state or privately run women’s shelters. State-run shelters have stringent rules such as requiring a woman who enters them to obtain a court order in order to leave. Privately-run shelters, on the other hand, are not only subject to varying standards of quality, but can also become easy targets of fundamentalist wrath based on the accusation of misguiding women.

Women activists fighting to promote respect for women’s human rights are coming under attack with increasing frequency, particularly in the northern parts of the country. Numerous incidences to this effect were reported by personnel aiming to improve women empowerment through improved literacy and livelihood provision schemes during the earthquake rehabilitation effort. The growing Talibanisation of the northern areas is also fuelling stringent opposition to female empowerment. Women leaders ranging from prominent human rights lawyers to elected village representatives face threats of assault. Last year, the provincial minister for social welfare was shot dead in Gujranwala. In order to effectively fight violence and other human rights abuses against women in Pakistan, this intimidation of women’s rights advocates must end.

While more women have been able to participate in the public sphere due to legislative reforms undertaken by the current government, these women representatives continue facing discrimination due to which they have not done much to alter traditional subservient gender roles. In some parts of the country, seats reserved for females remained vacant and also voting for female representatives was not allowed.

Yet there is evidence of some subsequent legislative actions to improve the status of women. The Standing Committee on Cabinet Affairs has recently recommended amending the definition of ‘misconduct’ in the removal from service ordinance to include the notion of gender harassment at the workplace. The real test of this measure will however become evident during its actual implementation.

Another more prominent attempt was undertaken in passing a women’s protection bill last year. However this bill was passed in a rather dilute form, due to which it has not been able to make a discernable impact in effect. In Sindh, for example, nearly four hundred women and girls were killed until the end of October this year, according to statistics complied by the Aurat Foundation. On the pretext of karo-kari alone, 183 of these women had been murdered in many districts of Sindh, condoned by illegal jirgas, despite a ban imposed on them by the Sukkur bench of the Sindh High Court.

Unfortunately there is still a long way to go before there can be a palatable decrease in violence against women in Pakistan. At least the means by which this discernable change can occur about should be obvious to everyone by now instead of only those who are actively fighting for women rights.

Source: Daily Times


MoWD joins hands with Unifem to end violence against women

ISLAMABAD (November 27 2007): The caretaker Women Development Minister Shahipa Jamil has said that the ministry will join hands with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (Unifem) and private sector to end all types of violence against women along with other stakeholders.

She was addressing the launching ceremony of revised programme ‘End Violence against Women’ started by Unifem here on Monday. The ceremony was also attended by Information and Broadcasting Minister Nisar Memon, Lieutenant General Nadeem Ahmad, Deputy Chairman Erra, Rukhshunda Naz, Executive Director Aurat Foundation Peshawar, Idrees Baig, Secretary NCSW and Secretary MoWD Mehmood Saleem Mehmood. She said that though the government is slow in implementing and in formulating laws on Women. Criticism is not the solution of the matter, she said.

Shahida said that the first responsibility of the government is to ascertain where the violence against women exists in the society adding social engineering is very thorny issue to end prejudices against women.

Women rights are also part of human rights and every person of the society must be concerned about these rights, the Minister said. “The government must have to deal with each and every department and must develop co-ordination with the NGOs”, she said.

Nisar Memon, the caretaker Information and Broadcasting Minister, said that the caretaker government is a partner of entire drive to end violence against women.

He said that it is the responsibility of the caretaker government to conduct fair and transparent elections adding how can election be fair and transparent if 48 percent of the women of the country will be prevented to go to the polling stations for voting.

Bilquees Edhi is internationally renowned name and recognised world over for her commitment to help the destitute women, Justic Majida Rizvi worked for women rights, Dr Nafees Sadiq is famous internationally for her services for the cause of women rights, the Minister said.

General Nadeem, Deputy Chairman Erra, said that women crisis centres will be established in the earthquake areas in co-ordination with the Women Development Ministry.

Every deprived family was given Rs 3,000 per month for their rehabilitation and Erra has launched micro-credit programme to provide Rs 15,000 for the families who lost their supporting male head in the earthquake and reduced to a woman headed family and after the payment of Rs 3,000 remaining 12,000 will be granted to the women to start cottage industry to support heir family, he said.

Rukhshunda from Aurat Foundation, Peshawar said that the government always remained negligent to finalise the bills to present in the Assembly as ‘Bill to curb domestic violence against women’ and ‘Harassment against women at the work places’ are still lying with the Ministry and even at the time of dissolution of the Assemblies, the Ministry failed to present the bills in the parliament for consideration.

Alice H. Shackelford, Country Programme Director Unifem, said that interaction campaign to end violence against women is started and 16 days activism plan is prepared by Unifem to join hands with every department of the country to raise awareness on violence against women.

Idrees Baig Secretary NCSW highlighted the prospects of the project and said that the project will bring change in the mindsets of the general masses and massive awareness will be given to the general public to end violence against women.

Secretary MoWD Mehmood Saleem Mehmood said that passage of Women Protection Bill and Honour Killing Bill is the biggest achievement of the Ministry as these were passed with the strenuous efforts of the Ministry and the Ministry on the recommendations of the NGOs and civil society organisations.

Source: Business Recorder
