Horrific honour crimes

ACCORDING to the Aurat Foundation, 38 women were murdered in Sindh last month, out of which 17 were killed in ‘honour’ crimes.

This is an appalling disclosure which demands the government’s urgent attention, especially since it has passed legislation that should have curbed the practice of honour-related crimes. It seems that the law has had no impact – partly for lack of its enforcement, or how else does one explain such horrifying crimes taking place with such regularity? If women are not killed for dishonouring their families, they are often raped or gang-raped or they commit suicide because they are being forced into marrying against their will, or they are victims of domestic violence, unemployment or family disputes.

The report further states that 12 women were living in shelters out of fear for their lives from their families. Around 26 women had been arrested on various allegations or, worse, in place of their male relatives whom the police could not arrest.

Despite a law banning jirgas in the province, there were 15 such tribal meetings held on women-related issues and the verdicts passed were not favourable to women-four women, including young girls, were handed over as compensation to settle conflicts.

These are all abhorrent crimes that society cannot ignore any longer. Community activism must be encouraged, as it is in India, where grassroots leaders are actively involved in galvanising public opinion against social evils. Laws alone cannot bring about the desired change though their strict implementation is crucial.

For too long have men got away with committing heinous crimes against women because they know there is nothing to prevent them. Non-governmental organisations have played a vital role in raising awareness but that has not yet had the desired impact as these disturbing figures prove.

Society must undergo a change in its attitude towards women if it wants to bring to an end these horrific crimes.

Source: Dawn


PM promises more uplift projects for Attock

He was speaking at a public meeting here after inaugurating a gas supply project for Qutbal and Hattar villages, besides laying the foundation stone of a basic health unit.
The gas project has been completed at a cost of over Rs4 million and it will benefit about 20,000 people.

The prime minister said construction work on an international airport at Fatehjang had been started and it would be one of the modern airports in Asia after becoming operational in 2010. He gave out his assurance that the local people would be given priority in jobs at the new airport.

Mr Aziz also announced that new equipment would be provided for the Fatehjang hospital.He said a water filtration plant would be installed in Fatehjang to provide clean drinking water to the local residents. New model villages will also be constructed in Attock and electricity will be generated using solar energy.

The prime minister said the government had taken effective measures to bring down the prices of essential commodities, adding that food items like sugar, pulses and flour were available at affordable prices at the utility stores as well as in the open market.

He also announced his decision to contest the next general elections on the National Assembly seat for NA-49 Attock, and made it clear that the polls would be held in a transparent manner.“I am very optimistic that people of this constituency will elect me once again,” he said.

Mr Aziz said the government under the leadership of President Pervez Musharraf had fulfilled all its promises of public welfare and development of the country.The government is also concentrating on the provision of improved health and education facilities, besides development of the agricultural sector, he added.

He said the government had given a subsidy of Rs250 to the growers on each bag of DAP fertiliser besides providing them small loans so that they could help enhance national produce.

Referring to the enactment of the Women Protection Act, he said it was a historical achievement towards the empowerment of women.Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Amanullah Khan Jadoon said Rs350 million had been earmarked for provision of gas to various villages of Attock district.He said after the discovery of a number of gas reserves in the country, 83 per cent of the total gas requirement was being met from reserves other than the Sui gasfield.

Source: Dawn


Man tortured to death over ‘honour’

The killers, who were at large since committing the homicide, chopped off the nose, lips, legs and arms of Saeed Ahmad who died from the torture. The incident occurred in the vicinity of Tarkhani police station.

Reports said Saeed Ahmed had allegedly developed relations with Shakeela some two years back. When Abdul Hameed, brother of the girl, came to know about the matter he axed his sister to death. Police registered a case against Hameed but failed to arrest him.

On learning about Shakeela’s murder, Saeed immediately left the area to save his life and went underground.Meanwhile, Hameed and his brother Munir kept looking for Saeed to ‘settle the score’.

On Saturday, the brothers received a tip-off regarding Saeed’s presence in the village. They, with the help of an accomplice, kidnapped Saeed and subjected him to brutal torture, which caused his death.

The killers threw his body on the roadside, which was removed to hospital by police.The deceased had a son and a daughter.Tarkhani SHO said a case had been registered against Abdul Hameed, Munir and Shahnawaz. Raids were being conducted for their arrest, he added.

Source: Dawn


Medical report confirms Ubaru gang rape

Sukkur: A medical report by the Rohri Chemical Laboratory has confirmed that the teenaged girl from Ubaru village was subjected to “severe sexual assault by a group of people”.

Daily Times learnt that Dr. Tariq Dareshani, supervisor of the lab, has also said in his report that the girl was two months pregnant .

Meanwhile, Sukkur RPO Zafar Ahmed Farooqi suspended DSP Mushtaq Ahmed Khoso, the inquiry officer in the case. Ghotki DOP Iqbal Dara has been made new investigation officer.

Source: Daily Times


Rescued girls complain of harassment

Sapna and Abida reached the press club Pir Jo Goth with their uncle Azam Shaikh and told newsmen that accused Ali Hassan, Ghulam and Miran Bakhsh were issuing them life threats and putting pressure on them through criminals to changing their statement before the court.

Both girls demanded security and justice and early arrest of the remaining accused.
When contacted SP Khairpur Noorul Haq Rind said he had constituted a team for
arresting the remained accused.Meanwhile, former district Nazim Khairpur Nafisa Shah Jillani condemned the incident.

She said there is lack of education and the common people of Khairpur are under the influence of the feudal class and that the district administration is not bothering to curb such incidents.She said three months ago same type of case took place in the limits of police station Ahmedpur, but the police did not take strict action against the conductors of the Jirga.

Source: The News
