I am not expecting justice: Dr Shazia

KARACHI, February 25, 2005: When Doctor Shazia Khalid was brutally raped in her lodgings near Pakistan’s largest gas field it was not just a personal tragedy. It also sparked a tribal revolt that threatened to destablise the whole country.

But the very public nature of the 32-year-old’s plight has not made justice any more likely and she is now determined to flee the country, she said.

“It is not possible to live here freely and be accepted by society after what happened to me,” said the doctor, who agreed to waive her right to anonymity after her name appeared in local media.

“So maybe if we go abroad we can begin a new life, though I may not forget the incident for the rest of my life. It is devastating, it destroyed my life, but it was my husband and my family who gave me strength to survive.”

Within few days of the incident, eight people were dead, thousands of troops were rushed to the area – and a shadowy group called the Balochistan Liberation Army said it had carried out the attacks in revenge for the rape of a doctor in a secluded township near the plant. Outraged tribal elders accused an army captain of the rape.. At the eye of the storm, however, was the private agony of Doctor Shazia, as she has become known through the often prurient coverage of the case in Pakistan.

“It is difficult to describe that horrifying night. He stayed in my room for over four hours. My eyes, mouth, hands were all tied up. But I can never forget his voice,” she said on telephone from a safe house at an undisclosed location in Karachi. “I also heard the voice of another person who might have been guarding the gate. I resisted and got hurt in the process but there was little I could do. By the time I recovered it was around six in the morning. My clothes were all covered in blood and I was not feeling well.”

The doctor went to see officials at the plant but again became a victim – this time of a cover-up and attempted intimidation, she said.

Officials told her she would be arrested if she went to the police, while her bloodstained clothes disappeared after she was given tranquillisers, she added.

“My employers tried to hide the case and are responsible for letting the culprits get away with it,” she said.

Since then, a number of people including some gas company employees have been arrested in connection with the attack and provincial authorities have launched a major investigation. But the army captain remains free.

The government, despite suspecting a foreign hand behind the attacks, has in fact made conciliatory gestures towards the tribesmen, although the situation remains unstable. Meanwhile Dr Shazia has had to deal with outdated concepts of family honour that still run through the society, on top of the trauma of the rape.

Dr Shazia’s husband said his grandfather put him under immense pressure to divorce her and even threatened that she would be killed for dishonour. “But I had a moral responsibility towards her. Her mother, sisters and family also supported her,” he said.

Dr Shazia said, “It was a double trauma for me after that threat from Khalid’s grandfather but he stood by my side and is still resisting all kind of pressure and I really thank him for all this.” Her husband said she had not yet recovered. “She often gets disturbed at night. She wakes up when she hears any voice, sound or even strong winds, and asks me not to switch off the lights,” he added. The doctor’s case is the just tip of the iceberg, said Anis Haroon, Aurat Foundation president.

“She could have committed suicide if her family had not supported her. Or she could have been killed in the name of honour, as happens to many girls in the feudal system here,” she said

Dr Shazia said she had given up all hope that her attacker would be put behind bars. “I am not expecting anything from the justice system,” she said. “I have left justice to Allah, and I spend most of the time praying.”
Source: Daily Times

NA secretary suspended

ISLAMABAD, February 25,2005:Speaker Chaudhry Amir Hussain has suspended National Assembly Secretary Mahmood Salim Mahmood for his alleged involvement in sexual harassment of a woman last week at Heathrow Airport.

A notification in this connection was issued Thursday evening when the National Assembly session was in progress. Moments before his suspension Salim was conducting House proceedings.

The Frontier Post reliably learnt the notification was issued after the speaker received a report from Pakistan’s High Commission in London, confirming Salim’s involvement in the incident.But other sources believed the action had been taken to save Salim embarrassment for the time being.

They disclosed the speaker did it after receiving instructions from whom they called an influential person, asking him to hush up the matter.

“Salim would be reinstated to his current post after some time. No further action would be taken against him,” the sources claimed. Amir Hussain, who was in the chair initially, left the House after half an hour and also called Salim to his chamber. Within an hour of the meeting, the notification was issued.

Meanwhile, an opposition member told a group of journalists the speaker had assured them on Wednesday that he would take action against Salim within a couple of days.
He claimed it was the reason why the combined opposition, which was to raise the issue, remained silent.
Source: Frontier Post

Son kills mother in karo kari

DERA MURAD JAMALI ,February 25,2005: A son killed his mother in a bid of Karo Kari here on Thursday. As per information a son killed his mother on the suspicion of illicit relation with another person. He fired many shots on her mother and killed her on the spot. Police arrested the killer with the killing weapon and started investigation in the case.
Source: Frontier post

Sui rapist must hang: President

ISLAMABAD, February 25, 2005: President Gen Pervez Musharraf said on February 24 that the culprit behind the rape of a lady doctor in Sui would face hanging. However, the president defended an army captain who is the chief suspect in the case, saying he believed the man was not guilty.

“The rape case is most unfortunate. Whoever has done it must be hanged,” President Musharraf said to applause during a press conference. He added that he believed the accusations against the unnamed officer were baseless and the man was not involved, but said the perpetrators would be brought to justice.

In an interview with AFP, the assault victim said she had no hope of seeing her attacker put behind bars and said she was now determined to leave the country for fear of her own safety.

“I am not expecting anything from the justice system,” the lady doctor said from a safe house in Karachi, where she is staying with her husband. “It is not possible to live here freely and be accepted by society after what happened to me,” she added.

“So maybe if we go abroad we can begin a new life, though I may not forget the incident for the rest of my life. It is devastating, it destroyed my life, but it was my husband and my family who gave me strength to survive.”

Gen Musharraf’s pronouncement could face legal problems, however. Anyone convicted of gang rape faces mandatory hanging in Pakistan under special legislation brought in during the 1990s. But despite initial reports that a gang was involved in the attack at the Sui gas plant, the assault victim said there was one rapist and possibly another man standing on guard.
Source: Dawn

Tribal women hold rally in Dera Bugti

QUETTA, February 25, 2005: Hundreds of tribal women staged a rally in Dera Bugti on Thursday in protest against the government’s failure to arrest the main accused involved in the lady doctor’s criminal assault case.

It is for the first time in the history of Balochistan that tribal women held a protest march. The women, wearing traditional dress, marched on the roads of Dera Bugti carrying placards and banners inscribed with slogans expressing solidarity with the lady doctor.

They chanted slogans against the government and in favour of the victim. The business community and traders of Dera Bugti closed their shops and business establishments during the rally.

The protesting tribal women, marching round the township, gathered in front of Dera Bugti Press Club where the representatives of Women Action Committee addressed them.

They strongly condemned the criminal assault onthe lady doctor and criticized the government for not arresting the main accused iinvolved in the heinous crime They alleged that earlier the Pakistan Petroleum Limited administration was involved in hiding the facts about the assault but now the government had also joined hands with the PPL in this regard.

“The rulers are defaming a national institution just to save one officer who is involved in the rape case,” the representatives of the tribal women said. The Baloch women, they stressed, would not tolerate such crimes against women on the soil of Balochistan.

They called for the arrest of Captain Hammad of the Defence Security Guards for meeting the demands of justice. They also appealed to national and international women and human rights organizations to forcefully take up the lady doctor’s assault case and put pressure on the government which was, as they put it, “forcing the victim and her husband to withdraw the case and leave the country”.
Source: Dawn