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Domestic violence in Pakistan

Sir: Violence against women by intimate partners has serious implications for women’s physical, mental and social well-being. Internationally, a growing body of knowledge shows that too many women are victims of physical, sexual and psychological violence. In Pakistan, the high prevalence of this practice in its different forms has been affecting the positive development of communities since very long, especially in rural parts of the country.

A research survey on the prevalence of domestic violence by Rutgers WPF in six regions of Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan found the prevalence of domestic violence by intimate partners around 85 percent while 82 percent had suffered domestic violence during the last 12 months. 75 perecent women had been victims of physical violence, 66 percent had suffered sexual violence and 81 percent psychological violence.

This high prevalence requires immediate implementation of related laws and legislation from responsible authorities. In this regard, the Prevention of Anti-Woman Practices (Criminal Law Amendment) Act 2011 should be enforced by the respective governments. Effective steps are also required to implement the Convention on Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in true letter and spirit, ensuring elimination of discrimination against women at all levels.


Daily Times